




(Pages 29 and 30 of the presentation slides) Net sales of the HPP Company as a whole and in each of the three strategic fields in the 2H of FY2020 exceeded forecasts announced in January 2021. 与此同时,营业收入与计划相符. 是否有任何领域或业务未达到营业收入计划?

We had to suspend operations at certain production bases due to the cold wave that hit North America in February. 由于库存的出货而作出反应, 由于库存下降,固定成本超出了计划. 转向三大战略领域, operating income from SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION in the 流动性 field as well as in the Building and Infrastructure field fell slightly below plans.

  • *HPP公司:高性能塑料公司
(Page 35 of the presentation slides) Are you contemplating passing on the impact of rising component expenses on 住房 Company results to product prices? 除了, 你担心木材短缺会导致生产停滞吗, 即使是暂时的?

尽管受到钢铁价格上涨的影响, 这是特别大的, 十大赌博娱乐平台不考虑转嫁到产品价格上. 十大赌博娱乐平台将通过包括降低成本在内的各种措施来减轻影响. 木材价格也在上涨, 但到目前为止,还没有出现导致生产停滞的短缺.

(ppt第41页)就UIEP公司的2021财年计划而言, 你能在多大程度上抵消PVC树脂成本的上升, 原料, 通过调整产品价格等措施?

We anticipate a slight time lag between upswings in raw material costs and increases in product prices fully taking effect over the full FY2021 period. 同时迅速扩大产品价格的涨幅, 同时,十大赌博娱乐平台将寻求通过降低成本来抵消高昂的原材料成本.

  • *UIEP公司:城市基础设施 & 环保产品公司
(Page 9 of the presentation slides) What are the factors behind the decrease in profit in the Other and Eliminations and Unallocatable Accounts under the FY2021 plan?

在FY2020, fixed costs declined roughly ¥14 billion year on year owing to such factors as structural reforms and the containment of costs including impediments to conducting sales activities attributable to COVID-19. 在这一总额中,大约60亿日元是由于不断削减的影响. 展望未来,十大赌博娱乐平台打算在2021财年将这笔资金用于集团范围内的增长投资. 除了 to such environment-related investments as energy conservation equipment as well as other investments in biorefinery commercialization and DX, 通过削减节省的资金将用于加强旨在查明M&一个机会.


(Page 31 of the presentation slides) As far as the expansion of sales of high-performance interlayer films is concerned, 预计2021财年上半年和下半年的销量将低于2020财年下半年. 这不是一个相当保守的预测吗?

With the low level of automobile manufacturer inventories owing to such factors as production stoppages caused by COVID-19 in the 1H, 2020财年第三季度的销量相当高. 此外,高性能层间膜的销售在第四季度表现强劲. This largely reflected the buildup of inventories across the entire automotive supply chain on the back of concerns surrounding semiconductor shortages. 除了 to maintaining sales volumes in both the 1H and 2H of FY2021 at the same level as the 2H of FY2020, 这是很强大的, we will focus especially on expanding sales of products for use in head-up display (HUD) systems and improve the product mix.

(Page 30 of the presentation slides) How long do you expect the impact of semiconductor shortages on automobile production will last?


(Page 30 of the presentation slides) What products other than interlayer films do you expect to expand sales in the 流动性 field in FY2021?

We expect to expand sales of heat release materials for automotive use and plan to increase sales volumes by around 30% year on year in FY2021. 十大赌博娱乐平台还计划在印度扩大外饰件的销售.

(Page 30 of the presentation slides) To what extent will the downturn in automobile production attributable to the shortage of semiconductors impact results in the 流动性 field?

The downturn in automobile production attributable to the shortage of semiconductors is estimated to come in at around 1.2021财年全球500万台. 十大赌博娱乐平台认为这将产生大约1-1日元的负面影响.50亿美元用于公司的营业收入.

(Page 31 of the presentation slides) Which products are expected to exhibit especially large sales growth in FY2021 in the non-LCD 电子产品 field? 除了, what are the reasons for the forecast lack of sales growth from the 2H of FY2020 and over the 1H of FY2021?

产品 that are expected to exhibit especially large sales growth in FY2021 include various products for semiconductors, PVB树脂用于多层陶瓷电容器(mlcc)粘结剂, 以及散热材料. Projecting a buildup of product inventories across the entire electronics-related product supply chain on the back of concerns surrounding a shortage of semiconductors in the 2H of FY2020, 十大赌博娱乐平台计划在2021财年上半年进行一定数量的库存调整.


(Pages 30 and 42 of the presentation slides) What is your outlook for businesses in the aircraft field in FY2021?

为SEKISUI宇航公司制定盈利计划, 是HPP公司运营的一部分, we have taken into account assumptions regarding demand that are slightly more conservative in the 1H and essentially in line with the production plan put forward by Boeing, 21世纪的大客户. 因此,十大赌博娱乐平台预计经济将从下半年开始全面复苏. 在UIEP公司的飞机板材业务, 尽管在2020财年经历了同比大幅下降, 十大赌博娱乐平台预计2021财年的新飞机需求将在下半年逐步恢复. 然而, 现有飞机内饰更新需求预计将保持在2020财年的水平.


(演示幻灯片第36页)关注新住房订单, 计划要求在2021财年将订单数量恢复到2019财年的水平. How will you achieve this plan amid the less than full recovery customer numbers through visits to exhibition spaces?

实现这一计划有两个关键方面. 一个方面是游客数量呈现回升趋势. 再加上通过WEB加强客户流量的持续努力, 十大赌博娱乐平台预计客户数量将逐年增加. The other aspect is our success in securing sufficient inventory of ready-built houses where we will focus especially on expanding sales.


(Pages 40 and 42 of the presentation slides) What is your outlook for domestic construction-related demand in FY2021?

While expecting a slow recovery in demand for small and medium-scale non-residential renovations (stores, 酒店, 其他), new demand related to large-scale construction projects is anticipated to emerge over the 2H of FY2021. 除了, demand trends in the public sector are estimated to remain firm focusing on the replacement of aging infrastructure.


《娱乐大发澳门赌博平台》修订草案, which stipulates in part that at least one-third of a company’s board of directors must comprise independent outside directors, 于4月6日上映. 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台不符合这一要求. 今后你们打算如何解决这个问题?

目前, 公司董事会由10名成员组成, 其中三人是独立的外部董事. 十大赌博娱乐平台认识到,本财政年度是把合适的人安置在合适的地方的结果. We are considering our response from the next fiscal year and are in the process of searching for a suitable person to appoint as an independent outside director.