

Charting a further leap 10 years into the future, SEKISUI 化学 Group launched its 长期愿景, “视觉2030,” in 2020. For the three years from FY2023, we are working on our mid-term management plan "Drive 2.0", which is positioned as a very important second step toward the realization of "Vision 2030"

Presentation of the FY2023-2025 Medium-term Management Plan, Drive 2.0(2023年5月23日)

演讲视频 50:40


  • Review of the Previous Medium-term Management Plan, Drive 2022
    FY2023-2025 Medium-term Management Plan, Drive 2.0
  • 水电公司
    Ikusuke Shimizu, Company President
  • 房地产公司
    Toshiyuki Kamiyoshi, Company President
  • UIEP公司
    Yoshiyuki Hirai, Company President
  • 医疗业务
    Futoshi Kamiwaki, Representative Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer

2030年愿景 为地球而创新
In order to realize sustainable society, we support the basis of LIFE and will continue to create “peace of mind for the future.”

Aiming to double the Group’s business (sales of ¥2 trillion, operating income ratio of 10% or higher) by 2030 by expanding contributions to resolving social issues through “business growth, 改革与创新, 以ESG管理为中心.”
*SEKISUI 化学 Group’s ESG Management : With the goals of improving social sustainability while at the same time achieving profitable growth, SEKISUI 化学 Group engages in corporate activities aimed at resolving environmental and social issues based on a strategic view

Specific examples of 改革与创新 that SEKISUI 化学 Group is aming for we support into the foundation of LIFE and create "safety that continues int the future.

For comfortable mobility and communicationNext Generation Car 产品


SEKISUI 化学 proposes a varaiety of materials related with AD/ADAS, EV, Electoronics部分, Interior/Exterior design parts, forming the future of automobiles.

For Reliable, Safe, Comfortable Lifestyles小镇 & 社区发展

SEKISUI安全 & Sound Project ASAKA Leadtown (Image)

Bringing Together SEKISUI 化学 Group’s Technologies

SEKISUI 化学 Group products help support safe and comfortable lifestyles not only in a visible manner (above ground), but in ways that are not always evident (below ground).



Seamlessly combining the collective strengths of our technologies and products, we are working to realize secure and safe, 环保, 可持续发展的城镇.

For Resilient 社会基础设施Independence from Fossil Fuels

As the ultimate in environment-friendly technologies for a resource recycling society, SEKISUI 化学 Group has established innovative production technology for a biorefinery, a technology that converts garbage into ethanol, and is accelerating commercialization as the first step in changing social systems.

Working in collaboration with government and other companies, we seek to start test production in fiscal 2022 and launch full-scale production and business in fiscal 2025. 在未来, we will seek to create the ultimate resource recycling system that does not rely on fossil fuels.

Bio-refinery (BR), the World’s First Technology to Convert Garbage into Ethanol

■Established alongside the garbage disposal facilities

■Used actual municipal waste


  • 一般废弃物
  • 工业废料
  • 可燃垃圾
1/1000th 规模试验装置

  • Quality: Met the necessary ethanol quality
  • Production efficiency: High efficiency achieved
  • Production stability: not affected by garbage type or fluctuation in volume
  • CO2 排放量:减少135%
    (Compared with conventional garbage incineration)

FY2022: The 1/10th scale verification plant (Iwate Prefecture) operations scheduled to commence

-The Ultimate System for a Resource-recycling Society-
