

SEKISUI 化学 Group develops its business activities in the two “Residential and 社会基础设施 Creation” and “Chemical Solutions” fields

* The main portion of the Life Science field previously included in the High Performance Plastics segment is now presented as the 医疗业务 segment in an effort to accelerate the pace its growth as a new divisional company candidate from fiscal 2019.


  • 销售分项(2023财年)


  • 营业利润分项表(2023财年)





We are developing our business on a global scale, focusing mainly on three strategic fields: 电子产品, 通过它,十大赌博娱乐平台提供与各种显示器相关的材料, 电气和通信设备, 衬底和半导体; 流动性, 十大赌博娱乐平台提供与汽车相关的材料, 如夹层膜用于夹层玻璃, and components for aircraft; and 工业, 十大赌博娱乐平台提供由尖端技术创造的产品, 比如粘合剂, 包装胶带, 以及日常生活和整个社会使用的塑料容器.


We are developing a wide range of businesses with a focus on materials for the advanced fields in which our strengths lie, 例如, 十大赌博娱乐平台原有的细颗粒, 粘合和精密成型技术. Possessing multiple product lines with top global market shares (based on SEKISUI 化学 estimates), 如导电细颗粒, 液晶密封胶, 汽车夹层玻璃用夹层膜, 以及用于汽车内饰的聚烯烃泡沫, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在发展以高附加值产品为中心的业务.
同时以扩张速度快于市场增长率为目标, we are working to augment our operations by enhancing our existing core 产品, 开发新产品, 通过M&A.


Evolving the lives of people and resolving social issues through added-value creation based on 'innovation' in business, 产品, 和技术.


  • 导电细颗粒

  • 耐热self(半导体加工材料)

  • 用于智能手机、平板电脑的双面液晶固定贴片

  • 汽车夹层玻璃用夹层膜

  • Wedge-shaped high performance interlayer films for head-up display (HUD) system use

  • 汽车内饰发泡材料

  • 汽车保险杠模具

  • 电动汽车用散热脂

  • 飞机成型零件

  • 航空表

  • 医疗设备用塑料片材

  • 高性能树脂榻榻米(MIGUSA)



在日本,集团的业务涉及四个领域 房地产业务, including newly built detached housing and apartment buildings under the “SEKISUI HEIM” brand; 证券业务, such as renovations, rental housing management and brokerage services centered on HEIM owners; 城镇和社区发展业务, which provides smart, resilient urban development; and 住宅服务业务,例如为老年人提供的服务. 海外,集团在泰国经营独立住宅业务活动.


The 房地产公司 is engaged in new housing construction activities as a specialist in the Unit Construction Method, an advanced factory-built approach that enables short construction periods and delivers functions in accordance with design plans. As of the end of fiscal 2022, the cumulative total of houses sold exceeded 600,000. Drawing on SEKISUI 化学 Group’s prominence in infrastructure materials, the 房地产公司 is engaged in the nationwide development of smart and resilient cities in its 城镇和社区发展业务.


支持人民安心, 安全, and comfort by providing high-performance residences and housing-related services


  • 房屋单元工厂内部正在进行内部生产

  • 正在安装的房屋单元

  • The Smart Power station series is aimed at enabling energy self-sufficiency.

  • 大容量太阳能发电系统

  • “e-Pocket” large capacity storage battery system that fits into smaller space

  • The Company’s Smart Heim Navi Consulting HEMS (Home energy management system)

  • 客厅,餐厅和厨房装修

  • Sekisui Heim集团负责的老年人住房, 从建造到运营

  • 城镇和社区发展以减轻灾害

  • 泰国的房屋生产工厂

城市基础设施 & 环境产品(UIEP)公司


Our core business is the 制造 and sale of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping materials, 十大赌博娱乐平台在日本拥有领先的市场份额, 以及基础设施相关材料. We are developing business on a global scale in three fields: the Pipe Systems field that provides pipes for the public and private sectors, 高性能工厂管道材料, and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) resin compound; the Building and Infrastructures Composite Materials field, such as the fiber-reinforced foam urethane (FFU) synthetic wood used in the railway sleepers; Infrastructure Renovation field, 比如基础设施修复.


Based on the technological capabilities cultivated in our core business, we define as 优先的产品 those from which high-value-added market growth is expected or 产品 that we expect will enable us to substitute conventional materials (metal, wood and glass) with plastic 产品 and that we will then aggressively introduce into the market. Including those 产品 that contribute to corrosion resistance and ease of construction, 自然灾害对策, 加强基础设施建设, 优先的产品 are contributing to the solving of social issues that are worsening and becoming more complex, such as the shortage of construction workers (avoidance of the 3Cs: closed spaces, 拥挤的地方, 和近距离接触设置), 基础设施老化, 气候变化.
海外, we are developing materials that include transportation infrastructure and pipeline renewal materials for 欧洲 and the United States as well as pipe materials for 亚洲. 同时, we are aiming to further expand and deepen our sales areas with a focus on high-value-added 产品.


Solving infrastructure issues and supporting social infrastructure through a wide range of advanced materials


  • 住宅给排水系统

  • 防火排水系统

  • 高性能聚乙烯抗震管

  • Plant 产品 with high corrosion and chemical resistance (工业 piping materials)

  • 污水(螺旋)管道更新(SPR)法

  • 大流量排水系统

  • 护理设施大卫生间(井)

  • 氯化聚氯乙烯(CPVC)树脂化合物

  • 热膨胀耐火材料

  • SEW (FFU*护盾用合成木材)

  • 合成铁路枕木(FFU*)

  • 不易燃的聚氨酯

FFU:具有天然木材样外观的, FFU是一种玻璃纤维增强泡沫聚氨酯材料.


利用先进科技, 十大赌博娱乐平台创造高品质的产品, 为充实和健康的生活做出贡献.


Developing business on a global scale, our activities comprise two businesses: the 诊断业务, 为此十大赌博娱乐平台承担开发, 生产, and sale of clinical reagents with a focus on the areas of 凝血, 与生活方式有关的疾病, 以及传染病,  真空采血管, 以及各种分析设备和 制药科学及商业, which consists of pharmaceutical business that undertakes the contract 制造 of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), 中间体, and amino acids for pharmaceutical use as well as drug development solutions business that assists pharmaceutical companies’ R&D.


Established in 2008 through the merging together of our 医疗业务 division and Daiichi Pure Chemicals Co.有限公司.Sekisui医疗株式会社.有限公司. provides a variety of 产品 and services for the front lines of medicine with a focus on its main product, 测试试剂. 近年来, there have been drastic changes in the environment surrounding the area of global medicine, 社会和消费者的需求也变得更加多样化. Through enhanced development and new 产品 and the broadening of alliances, 十大赌博娱乐平台将通过提供高质量的产品来扩大十大赌博娱乐平台的业务,


  • 诊断业务

    生化免疫临床试剂, 糖尿病, 凝血, 以及传染病, 还有发展, 制造, 销售分析仪和真空采血管, 等


    Nanopia P-FDP

  • 制药科学及商业


    Contract 制造 of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs)/中间体/amino acids, etc.



