
We promptly addressed the formaldehyde issue at an early stage and achieved an indoor environment superior to the directive standards issued by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labor when the building of Heim was complete, 领先于其他公司. In order to protect the health of your family, Heim maintains a clean indoor air environment.

Measures against formaldehyde - Using the highest quality members for the interior finishing material

The formaldehyde concentration in a room is determined by the proportion between the amount of formaldehyde emitted from the building material and the air ventilation. Based on the ventilation capacity of a building, the amended Building Standard Law defined the area of building material to be used for the building according to the amount of formaldehyde emitted from the same. 然而, the interior material used to construct Heim is not restricted by the Law governing the area to be used for a building and has the least amount of formaldehyde shown as a symbol of f4星级材料. This specification represents the highest grade under the Quality Assurance Law.

  • *Quality Assurance Law: Law on Promotion to Ensure the Quality of Houses
Classification of formaldehyde emission of particle boards based on the New JAS Standard
  • *Desiccator method: a plate in which 300 ml distilled water, and the designated test body are placed in a sealed container, the temperature is maintained at a designated level and the amount of formaldehyde dissolved into the distilled water is measured after 24 hours.
  • *0.胶合板和面板为3,0.墙纸为2,小于0.油漆12(单位mg/l)

Measures against VOCs - Our own standards governing the selection of members

Targeting the further enhancement of indoor air quality, we strive to take measures against volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are currently not governed by national regulations. These are paint thinner substances, represented by toluene and xylene contained in adhesives. We have developed our own technology to measure VOCs and have determined the amounts of VOCs emitted from building materials, adhesives and decorated boards using this measurement technology. For Heim, we use materials that emit minimal amounts of VOCs.

Site management - reassuring measures derived only from the factory production system

海姆建筑工地使用的所有材料, including small items such as curing tapes and adhesives, are chosen in the factory based on our own standards. No materials are procured on-site to avoid the potential use of materials containing and/or emitting harmful chemicals. 除了, we continue intermittent 24-hour ventilation operation during the building period until delivery.

Prior to habitation, the concentrations of chemicals (formaldehyde, toluene and xylene) are measured

交货前, “住宅质量测评专家”, 也就是来自关水的合格专业人士, 测量甲醛的浓度, toluene and xylene in the building to confirm that these levels clear the provisions of the Heim guidelines.

  • *The results of the measurement are provided to the customer.


Toluene and xylene are commonly known chemicals of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are contained in many commercially available solvents and thinners. These chemicals are harmful to human health when inhaled for long periods. Toluene is cheap and most frequently used as a solvent for paints, printing ink and adhesives. 闻起来像汽油. Xylene is also used for solvents and most solvents also contain toluene. The chemical has almost the same smell and usage as toluene.

One of the main causes of sick building syndrome


这种化学品的挥发性很高, 在室温下变成气态物质, and irritates mucous membranes with its strong smell. When included in a 37% water solution, it is commonly known as formalin. It is thought to be a cause of allergosis and regulations specify that it must not be detected in textile goods used for babies aged two and under.

Measures to maintain indoor air quality - an indoor air quality equivalent to that of the 日本 Alps, “空气工厂”是十大赌博娱乐平台新的通风系统

A ventilator installed under the floor takes in outdoor air, purifies it with an industrial quality filter to remove dust, 花粉和二氧化氮, and sends the purified air to several inlets installed on each floor via a duct. The inhaled air circulates within rooms like a boomerang and returns to the exhaust outlet containing dust, 蜱虫和霉菌, 从那里排放到室外. This ventilation system maintains good indoor air quality with 24-hour ventilation all year round. As the fluctuation of power caused by differences in temperature and barometric pressure between outdoors and indoors is minimized, the system is far more efficient than one independently operating inhale and exhale ventilators.

The under floor ventilator used is of the heat exchange type to reduce heat loss.
像空气一样, which is inhaled through the high performance filter, 也通过除湿机运行, 这样可以控制蜱虫和霉菌的生长.
